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Tag Archives: health

8 tips to help girls have quality sleep

8 tips to help girls have quality sleep

adequate sleep Is one of the important factors in having good health. Because of the time of sleeping The body will repair itself and recover fully. Today we have brought 8 tips to help your women ‘s sleep have quality to share for you to follow. Let’s see what to do to

5 ways to get quality sleep Help for girls Effective weight loss

5 ways to get quality sleep Help for girls Effective weight loss

not getting enough sleep or too much May cause weight gain. It was also found that people who sleep less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours will have problems with losing weight due to sleep. Directly affects hormones in the body Not getting enough sleep can elevate hunger hormone levels. Resulting

"Diarrhea-liquid diarrhea" What medicines should I use?

“Diarrhea-liquid diarrhea” What medicines should I use?

What kind of photo shoot is called “diarrhea”? diarrhea is watery diarrhea or only a small amount of dietary fiber If there are more than 3 or more bowel movements, or 1 or more bowel movements within 24 hours, it can be assumed that diarrhea is occurring. “Diarrhea-liquid